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Eligibility Conditions:

  • Must have "Lifetime Membership".
  • Must have a minimum 10 years of Post-Graduate Experience for Full Fellow.
  • Must have a minimum 05 year of Post-Graduate Experience for Associate Fellow.
  • Non-Lifetime Members attempting to apply will received alert "Only Lifetime Member Can Apply".
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PSIM Bank Account Details: Bank of Punjab
A/C Title: Pakistan Society of Internal Medicine (PSIM)
A/C Number: 6580185450700021
IBAN: PK10BPUN6580185450700021

I, the undersigned, hereby confirm that the information provided in my application for Fellowship of the Pakistan Society of Internal Medicine (PSIM) is accurate, complete, and truthful to the best of my knowledge.
I understand that submission of my application does not guarantee acceptance as a Fellow, and I acknowledge that the decision regarding my eligibility and acceptance is at the sole discretion of the Fellowship Committee of PSIM.
I further confirm that I meet the eligibility criteria set forth by PSIM and that I will comply with all the rules, regulations, and ethical standards outlined by the society.
I acknowledge that PSIM reserves the right to verify the information provided in my application and to reject any submission if found to be incomplete, false, or misleading.
By submitting my application, I agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the Fellowship as set forth by PSIM.