Message by President

Prof. Javed Akram President

It is my privilege and pleasure, as the founding president of Pakistan Society of Internal Medicine, to welcome you to the official website of PSIM. PSIM has made great strides since its inception and With its formal launch back in 2019 with an aim to enhance the quality of healthcare by fostering excellence and professionalism, PSIM has outgrown as the most dynamic society for medical specialists not only at national forum but also internationally, and is, now one of the prestigious society of the medical fraternity in Pakistan. The philosophy of PSIM is to implement safe, leading edge medical care, health advocacy, encourage medical education, and to develop industrious medical professionals who are motivated by human kindness. The society which was initially setup by a handful of most eminent physicians of the country has now bloomed into an amalgam of both foreign and locally trained fraternity. With the intrepid and toilsome efforts of the founding members and support of you all, PSIM is now on its journey to produce better and best medical experts who are an asset for the country. I firmly believe that PSIM is living up to the vision, aims and objectives of the society, confide by its founding members.


Since its early start, the Society is regularly organizing an International conference annually along with various other local events and seminars throughout the year in collaboration with various local chapters in various cities of Pakistan. These annual conferences have state of the art lectures by local and foreign speakers, pre and post-conference workshops, research sessions and research award and public awareness seminars which provides a fertile environment for consultant physicians and medical specialist to cultivate and prosper in the ever changing filed of medicine . Even in the era of COVID pandemic, this infant society remained committed in organizing various educational activities, awareness programs and regular guidelines for COVID-19 management despite of all the challenges. PSIM also publishes a journal quarterly per annum to promote and conduct research which also helps to share local experiences with national and international medical faculty.

To achieve our aims and objectives, we do lean on the capable, competent executive counsel for the undisputed, uninterrupted quality of decisions and directive. I highly appreciate the commitment and loyalty of all the founding executive members towards the society whose day and night hard work ,untiring and selfless efforts made us stand out as the most vibrant and dynamic professional body amongst all the other societies of Pakistan. PSIM is a star-studded community of medical specialists with representation from every province of Pakistan. We look forward to budding physicians and health care workers and especially our medical interns and undergraduates to join hands with us in fulfilling our aim of establishing and promoting highest clinical standards of medical practice and producing competent, skilled and knowledgeable medical professionals. “Wishing you all a great success”

Message by Secretary General

Dr. Somia Iqtadar. General Secretary

Dreaming is to desire for something very new and essential for your life. It instills in you high level of excitement that makes you stay highly focused to accomplish it. Nothing costs you to dream high but it necessarily helps you to what you want to achieve, about the life you want to lead, the difference you want to create, the person you want to be, in the end you might surprise yourself. Every achievement begins with thought process, until you do, you’ll have no idea what you’re capable of.

Pakistan Society of Internal Medicine began with a dream of a young physician. An idea envisaged first of all by a physician who has spent her life thinking of new avenues to explore in her beloved field. She floated an idea about a unified platform for internists, and the massive response on the idea exhilarated her to practically put it to action. She put it up as her Facebook status and after getting enormous positive response from physicians in her social circle, she said let us do it, and went to none other than the leader of the physicians Prof. Dr. Javed Akram, who gathered like-minded people, all shining stars from the galaxy of medicine to brighten this idea and make this dream a reality. They all gathered for brain storming to devise methodology for putting life in an idea. Planning first? Or start with the registrations foremost? But one thing that they all believed in simultaneously and unanimously was the desire; we can do it, we will do it. They began with the use of technology and formed a group on WhatsApp for physicians of Pakistan and within first 24 hours of the creation of the Pakistan Society Of Internal Medicine WhatsApp group, the group number exceeded the capacity of the platform, being joined in multitudes by physicians from Pakistan and abroad simultaneously. This is how the birth of Pakistan Society of Internal Medicine took place, a moment of pride for physicians all around.

PSIM was formally launched on 16th January 2019 with an aim to enhance the quality and effectiveness of healthcare by fostering excellence and professionalism in the practice of medicine and within a short span of three and a half years its being recognized as leading medical society contributing to quality patient care, health advocacy, medical education and mentoring of young physicians. With its footprint in all corners of Pakistan in the form of its active and vibrant city chapters and even recognition among overseas Pakistanis, PSIM has become the fastest growing medical organization. The society continues to collaborate with many organizations at national and international level in different avenues of medical profession and brings glory to the field of internal medicine which is the mother of all medical specialties.

I wish to see the society outshining in all the future ventures as sky is the limit.